cfd, computational flow dynamics
The challenges are unique to each airport and project. To improve performance while optimizing resources, customized Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation is essential. Past projects have included scenarios where the proximity of the apron and jet blast areas to facilities required a special design to meet specific constraints.
High performance remote boarding positions witha breakaway spot
This project requires excellent blast deflection, efficient use of space, and superior noise control. As a result, the deflector must incorporate a concealed, gapless surface. The aircraft applying the blast (at breakaway) could range from a large B787 to a B747 positioned at the closest available distance.
In addition, the aircraft positioned behind the deflector must be both safe and as quiet as possible. This is critical because the customer intends to use the parking position behind the deflector as a remote VIP boarding position.

top view remote VIP BOARDING STAND
​A remote boarding stand in a "dead end" apron was able to serve up to tree airplanes, from sizes as large as B737-8 to private jets; this top view shows how the area savings become available due to the jet blast deflection from an airplane at breakaway power.

oblique flow conditions
A particularly narrow apron, with asymmetric flow due to the location of the aircraft in breakaway required an efficient protection of the jetblast pressure to the building facade, this required a special design that could deflect in these oblique flow conditions.

top view oblique flow conditions
This apron requiere the airplane to move and have breakaway close to the building